FRIDAY: Hinckley’s Quest for Excellence

We’re starting something new for Fridays. Fridays will be our feature day. We’ll share a talk or address from a general authority for the weekend. Whenever possible, we’ll embed links to the audio and video as well as share a few quotes. As always, we’ll include a question or two to consider.

Today’s Feature:

Quest for Excellence

Gordon B. Hinckley, BYU Devotional

This is the great day of preparation for each of you. It is the time of beginning for something that will go on for as long as you live. I plead with you: Don’t be a scrub! Rise to the high ground of excellence. You can do it. You may not be a genius. You may be lacking in some skills. But you can do better than you are now doing. You are students at BYU. Most of you are members of this great Church whose influence is now felt all over the world. You are people with a present and with a future. Don’t muff the ball. Be excellent.”

Questions to Consider

  • Starting today, what can I do to be excellent?