The Savior Fully Comprehends our Trials

John Taylor taught,

“It was necessary, when the Savior was upon the earth, that he should be tempted in all points, like unto us, and ‘be touched with the feeling of our infirmities,’ (Hebrews 4:15) to comprhend the weaknesses and strength, the perfections and imperfections of poor fallen human nature…

“He knows how to estimate and put a proper value upon human nature, for he, having been placed in the same position as we are, knows how to bear with our weaknesses and infirmities, and can fully comprehend the depth, power, and strength of the afflictions and trials that men have to cope with in this world. And thus understandingly and by experience, he can bear with them.”

John Taylor
Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, p. 53