What missing the bus taught me about life

Something occurred today on my daily walk to the bus stop. I looked at the time and realized I did not have a chance of getting the bus that I wanted. So I slowed down and enjoyed my pandora station and the walk. When I got close to the bus stop, I saw the bus start to go by. I tried to race for the bus but the bus driver didn’t see me. I missed it.

With the extra time I now had waiting for the next bus, I started thinking about what had just happened. I realized I could’ve caught the bus if I just tried a bit harder earlier. What I thought was completely out of my ability to do was actually very possible. But in a real way, my perception of my abilities became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

As I thought on this I also realized that this wasn’t too far off from what we experience in life either.

I hope that some future moment doesn’t come along where I realize that what I thought was not in my reach actually could have been reality.

In my story, I had the timetable in my phone, it would have been able to realize early on that I had a chance to make it. In life there are so many resources available that remind us of our potential for goodness.

Most of all, I am learning to keep an ear out for the soft whispers of my conscience. My experience is that if you can learn to listen right to that voice, the risk of regret goes down.

So as commute today, don’t be afraid to be great. Don’t give up because on the surface it seems like a hopeless cause. Life has a way of working out for those who never give up on themselves.