B-day! [Family Blog]

Needless to say, I am one happy mama. This morning we had a scheduled 9:00am C-section. James Kreed Valentine was welcomed into this world at 9:17am. He weighed 9 lbs 2oz and was 22 inches long. The similarities between him and his big sister were apparent immediately–he has te same auburn hair color and a really heart-clenching, bottom lip pout. Kreed is quieter and calmer than Olivia so far. I am Ok with that.

I will post tons of pictures when I have a laptop/computer but I will let you know how it went.

We arrived at the hospital just after 7:30 for our scheduled C-section and everything went smooth and relatively quick (just enough to keep me busy but not enough to freak me out). It’s a very different experience to have a scheduled C-section rather than sitting on pintocin forever and not progressing with an epidural that didn’t quite work. As sad as I have been that we would have to do a C-section again, I am glad we went this route in the end (he was only getting bigger).

Te weirdest part was that I walked into te operating room on my own. I got a spinal injection that isn’t an epidural and works really fast. Although I felt pressure te whole time, there was no pain. This time I was able to appreciate the moment and James got to hold Kreed next to me while the doctors (who are great) talked about vacations and sewed me up. I can move my legs already and should be able to go for a short walk this afternoon–I am more excited of the prospect of dinner though.

James and I have both enjoyed this experience much more as we are more aware what to expect from an infant. James is on his way to get Olivia now so she can meet her baby brother. I am so happy that our growing family is healthy and we look forward to these new learning experiences ahead having two children.

Thank you all for your prayers, for your thoughts, and for your love.

Again, I will upload lots of pictures soon. I will probably be home about Tuesday.

via Blogger http://valentineslovehere.blogspot.com/2013/02/b-day.html