Teach Reverence at Home

As I was reviewing a talk by President Hinckley entitled, “Reverence and Morality,” I came across this invitation:

“I wish that every father in the Church would make this a matter of discussion with his family at the next family home evening and occasionally in family home evenings thereafter. The subject for discussion might be something like this: “What each of us can do to improve the spirit of our sacrament meetings.” Wonderful things will happen if this is done.” (April 1987 General Conference)

This is something that I have thought about with our children, but I am grateful for the prophetic reinforcement. With a younger child, I see it valuable to teach very early how sacred and important the sacrament is. I want to start early by bringing my children to the chapel on a week day, dressed up for Sunday and have a chat where we discuss good and appropriate behavior.

Sure we’ll likely still have outburst here or there, a bad day or two now and then, but The expectation can begin early with a context of why, that will allow them to begin earlier to reverence, even enjoy, the sacrament.

Spirit of Elijah Applies to this Side of the Veil Too

Harold B. Lee taught,

“Now keep in mind this: that when the full measure of Elijah’s mission is understood, that the hearts of the children will be turned to the fathers, and the fathers to the children. It applies just as much on this side of the veil as it does on the other side of the veil. If we neglect our families here in having family home night and we fail in our responsibilities here, how could we feel that we are doing our full duty in turning the hearts of our children to their fathers.

“How would heaven be if we lost some of those we love through our own neglect? The blessings in heaven won’t be ours until we have done everything we can to save those whom the Lord has sent through our lineage. So, the hearts of you fathers and mothers must be turned to your children right now, if you have the true spirit of Elijah, and not think that it applies merely to those who are beyond the veil. Let your hearts be turned to your children, and teach your children; but you must do it when they are young enough to be properly schooled. If you are neglecting your family home evening, you are neglecting the beginning of the mission of Elijah just as certainly as if you were neglecting your genealogy research work.” 

Harold B. Lee, Priesthood Genealogy Seminar, 1973