Curb the Curse

Russel M. Nelson, speaking on repentance and conversion, made this interesting connection with temple and family history work,

“’Jesus wants me for a sunbeam’? Yes! And you too! He also wants us as bonding blacksmiths—creating celestial welding links—to curb the curse of family fragmentation. The earth was created and temples provided so that families can be together forever. Many, if not most, of us could repent and be converted to more temple and family history work for our ancestors. Thus, our repentance is necessary and essential for their repentance.”

“Repentance and Conversion”
April 2007 General Conference

Focus on Family Names

Elder Russell M. Nelson taught,

“Here, on this side of the veil, there are limitations of available time and temples. This means that choosing to identify and perform ordinances for our own kindred should receive our highest priority. The Spirit of Elijah will inspire individual members of the Church to link their generations, rather than submit lists of people or popular personalities to whom they are unrelated.”

“The Spirit of Elijah”
April 1994 General Conference

Keeping the Commandments Includes Caring for the Poor

Russell M. Nelson taught,

“Every person so baptized who receives the gift of the Holy Ghost, which seals the ordinance, is under solemn covenant with the Lord to obey his commandments. Caring for the poor is one of those commandments. Surely, in Book of Mormon times, members of the Church had a sacred obligation to care for the poor.”

“In the Lord’s Own Way”
April 1986 General Conference

(See Also 2 Ne. 9:30; Mosiah 4:16–27; Alma 1:29–31, Alma 32:2–6, Alma 34:28; Hel. 4:11–12; Morm. 8:35–39.)